Mozart In the Jungle - Sky Arte HD
Interactive video installation for the Italian launch event
It is always a challenge to integrate a branded multimedia installation in a space with a big personality like "Scalo Farini". There are many decisions to be made before defining its shape, technologies and what to show.

For this unique installation I designed with my team at Souldesigner™ a surface that resembles the volumes of a train carriage, something that lived in this space years ago. We then decided to use projections to add a layer of content and anticipate the launch of the new "Mozart In the Jungle" series on Sky Arte HD.

To create something truly unique and meaningful for this specific event, for the brand and for the participants, we strongly felt the need to deeply integrate the musical element coming from the live performance of the orchestra scheduled to play at the event. 
This is why we decided to deconstruct some clips from the "Mozart in the Jungle" series and insert them in a generative and responsive sound player created especially for this installation.
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